Bitcoin vs Gold

June 25, 2023
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital asset running on Blockchain technology. Gold is precious metal and also a national Treasury Reserve Asset. It has been used over the years traditionally as a hedge against Inflation and as a store of value. However, gold cannot service the basis ...
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The History of Bitcoin

June 25, 2023
During the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, also known as the Great Recession, distrust in banks and central governments reached its peak. Housing prices plummeted, and a major bank, Lehman Brothers, went insolvent. Investors and businesses rushed to withdraw their cash deposits from other banks, ...
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How does Bitcoin work?

June 25, 2023
Bitcoin, as mentioned in my previous article, is decentralized, operating without the need for a financial system or government authority. It utilizes peer-to-peer transfers on a blockchain that records all transactions. The blockchain is an open-source code that chains blocks of transaction histories, preventing manipulation ...
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What is Bitcoin Mining

January 12, 2018
Bitcoin mining is the process which new Bitcoin are released into the network circulation. People who participate in the Bitcoin mining process are Miners. Bitcoin is achieved by solving a very complex mathematical process to validate transactions in the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin miners are rewarded ...
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What is Bitcoin?

December 12, 2017
Bitcoin – a decentralized digital asset running on the blockchain technology. Blockchain Technology – A digitally distributed decentralized public ledger that exists across a network. While Bitcoin falls under the asset class, people have still adopted it as a medium of exchange, i.e., paying for ...
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